Social climate in the family and styles of thinking and creating


  • Fátima LOBO Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Centro Regional de Braga.
  • Mercês LOBO Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Medicina


Social Behavior, Creativity, Family relations


The family constitutes the core of active bonds, as the conditions favoring the individual’s development are created within it. In contemporary society marked by the emergence of new family, educational and work models, the cognitive-creative potential of the invididual has been affirmed as a differentiating factor in the diverse aeas of intervention. In this context of the emergence of new paradigms, this investigation asks the followng question: does the family contribute significantly to the development of cognitive-creative abilities? As its hypothesis this research assumes that if the family contributes to the development of these abilities, then there would be a significant correlation between the family climate and the styles of thinking and creating. The aim of this study, composed of a sample of 312 Portuguese students of the Graduate Courses of the Degree in Psychology, was to evaluate the family social environment by means of the Social Climate Scales of the Family - R Form. Simultaneously, using the Wechsler Styles of Thinking and Creating Scale, the predominant thinking and creative style was analyzed. After this the presence of significant correlations between the two constructs was verified. The resulted demonstrated positive correlations between social family climate and the styles of thinking and creating


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How to Cite

LOBO, F., & LOBO, M. (2012). Social climate in the family and styles of thinking and creating. Psychological Studies, 29(3). Retrieved from