Affective dimension of people with acquired deafness before and after the use of cochlear implant


  • Midori Otake YAMADA Universidade de São Paulo, Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais, Centro de Pesquisas Audiológicas.
  • Maria Cecília BEVILACQUA Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru.


Acquired deafness, Cochlear implant, Psychology, Affectivity



The aim of this study was to investigate the affective dimension in adult patients with acquired deafness, both before and after using cochlear implants, by indicating the occurrence of changes in this dimension and investigating it, particularly in the modes of egoic feelings, feelings towards others, feelings of temporality and states of mind before and after the use of the cochlear implant. Forty-four adults took part in this study. They received cochlear implants from the Audiological Research Center at the Craniofacial Anomaly Rehabilitation Hospital at the University of São Paulo in Bauru. It was concluded that, during the period of deafness, negative feelings and an affective climate of tension and depression prevailed, leading the subject to a negative bonding, to a lack of syntony with the world. On the other hand, after the cochlear implant, positive feelings and an affective climate of tranquility and satisfaction prevailed, leading the subject to positive bonding, a feeling of syntony with the world.


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How to Cite

YAMADA, M. O., & BEVILACQUA, M. C. (2012). Affective dimension of people with acquired deafness before and after the use of cochlear implant. Psychological Studies, 29(1). Retrieved from