The work organization in the digital era


  • Lilia Aparecida KANAN Universidade do Planalto Catarinense, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Saúde.
  • Marina Patrício de ARRUDA Universidade do Planalto Catarinense, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Saúde.


Working environment, Organizational innovation, Workers, Work


Currently the organization of work occurs under certain social, economic and cultural conditions influenced by the excess of information and technologies of the digital age. To discuss this situation, the present article, a critical review, searched contents in books and articles that were selected due to the existence of a relationship between the organization of work-contemporaneity and transformations of the work/workers-digital era. From this, the aim is to discuss some characteristics of the organization of work in the digital age, which is visibly marked by antagonistic and complementary aspects. Work is problematized in the middle of these characteristics of complexity, which simultaneously includes conditions of freedom and subservience in the dynamic. Therefore, to analyze the changes that occur in the organization of work from the impacts of the digital era may be significant to broaden the debate on facts and events that change the behavior of the worker and, in an extended way, the society where he/she is inserted.


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How to Cite

KANAN, L. A., & ARRUDA, M. P. de. (2013). The work organization in the digital era. Psychological Studies, 30(4). Retrieved from