The matter of the Self and the Other in Wallon’s psychogenetic
Social behavior, Henri Wallon, Interpersonal relationshipAbstract
This paper examines some of Henri Wallon’s works, with the aim of elucidating the relationship between the self and the other. Two of the Wallon’s articles, which address this matter specifically, are prioritized: ‘The Role of the Other in the Conscience of the Self’, from 1946 and ‘Levels and Fluctuations of the Self’, from 1956. Two matters are discussed: How does the Self-Other relationship occur, based on the proposal of the development stages in Wallon’s theory; If the Self constitutes the social, what is the role of the socius in the constitution of the Self? Based on the matters discussed, some pedagogical conclusions are drawn, with a focus on the role of the other as educator
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