Maternal-fetal attachment, anxiety, and depression in normal and high-risk pregnancies

A comparative study


  • Fernanda SAVIANI-ZEOTI Universidade de Franca, Faculdade de Psicologia, Curso de Psicologia.
  • Eucia Beatriz Lopes PETEAN Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Departamento de Psicologia e Educação.


Anxiety, Depression, Pregnancy, Maternal-fetal relations


This study aimed to determine possible differences in the maternal-fetal attachment behavior and in the levels of anxiety and depression during the second trimester of pregnancy in women with or without pregnancy complications. Twenty-five women with normal, healthy pregnancy and 23 with high-risk pregnancy, among which there were 4 with malformed fetuses, participated in this study. The Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale and the Beck Anxiety Inventory and Depression Inventory were used. The results showed no differences in the levels of maternal-fetal attachment between the two groups of pregnant women investigated; both had maximum values. The anxiety and depression levels were higher, but not statistically significant, between the women with high-risk pregnancies, especially in those with suspected fetal malformation. It was concluded that the harsh reality faced by these mothers leads to higher levels of anxiety and depression; however, it does not prevent the development of attachment between them and their babies.


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How to Cite

SAVIANI-ZEOTI, F., & PETEAN, E. B. L. (2023). Maternal-fetal attachment, anxiety, and depression in normal and high-risk pregnancies: A comparative study. Psychological Studies (Campinas), 32(4). Retrieved from