A Escala Comportamental Infantil de Rutter A2: estudos de adaptação e fidedignidade.


  • Sônia Santa Vitaliano Graminha Departamento de Psicologia e Educação da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo


The Ruller Child Behavior Scale A2, behavior assessment, Brazilian adaptation


With the aim of making an adaplation of the Ruller Child Behavior Scale A2 as well as a testing of the reliability of the adapted version, this scale was translated into Portuguese and applied to parents with children aged 3 to 13. In a first step, the Scale A2 was translaled and applied to 60 parents. As a result, it went through modifications in the language, regarding some of the items, as well as an addition of others. In a second step, in order to evaluate the reliability between father and mother, the adapted scale A2 was filled out separalely by the fathers and mothers of 56 children; to evaluate the test-retest reliabllity, the parents of 96 children replied to the scale questions once and then replied to them again 3 to 4 weeks later. The comparalive analysls of the responses was performed using the Kappa statistical parameter. The results indicated an acceplable test-retest and father-mother reliability for most of the items.


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How to Cite

Santa Vitaliano Graminha, S. (1994). A Escala Comportamental Infantil de Rutter A2: estudos de adaptação e fidedignidade. Psychological Studies, 11(3), 34–42. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/8183