Avaliação do perfil e das queixas de crianças encaminhadas para psicoterapia dinâmica breve.
brif psychotherapy children, charactcrislics of children's populations, brief psychotherapy demandAbstract
Objective: To characterize children assigned to brief dynamic psychotherapy at a private institution; to categorize and to analyse the complaints according to the sex. Method: The data were obtained at the case files (N =142) of the institution, and complaints were classified according to the "Catálogo de Queixas de Silvares" (1991). The significance of differences was checked through x² tests and the degree of the association of variables through Spearman’s Rank Correlation (to hoth a= 0,01). Results: The findings corroborate studies of the literature concerning the prevailing profile and complaints of infatile populations that come to psychological clinics.
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