Formal operations: ensemble structura es mere theoretical proposition?


  • Fermino Fernandes Sisto UNICAMP


formal operations, factorial analysis, psychometry


Studies that used factorial analysis to verify the structural oneness of formal operatonal thought were investigated. Sometimes one finds more than one factor, which can be explained for two different reasons. First, when the number of subjects and variables is not adequam, more than one factor will usually be found and, when this criterion is satisfied, the sarne does not always occur. On the other hand, when one applies only one task to control the variables, propositional and combinatorial reasonings, a unique factor appears. nevertheless, when more than one task for each kind of reasoning is used, more than one factor is usually found.


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How to Cite

Fernandes Sisto, F. . (1993). Formal operations: ensemble structura es mere theoretical proposition?. Psychological Studies (Campinas), 10(2), 93–105. Retrieved from

