Social representation of the fami/y among young students from public and privat schools


  • Antonio Marcos Chaves Univ. Fed. Bahia
  • Ana Cristina Botelho Univ. Fed. Bahia
  • Elizabeth Andari Univ. Fed. Bahia
  • Mirela Santos Univ. Fed. Bahia
  • Wilson Maranhão Univ. Fed. Bahia


social representations, adolescence, family


Taking into account the social representations that young students have of their famílies, a questionnaire was applied to 97 students of high schoollevel in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The items of this questionnaire were related to the following topics: interpersonal relationships, the roles that each member of the family group play within the family, the meaning of these various roles to the adolescent and his conception of what family is. No significant differences were observed among students from public or private schools as to their concept of family. In general, all of them regard their famílies as essential to their individual formation and well-being.


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How to Cite

Marcos Chaves, A. ., Botelho, A. C. ., Andari, E. ., Santos, M. ., & Maranhão, W. . (1993). Social representation of the fami/y among young students from public and privat schools. Psychological Studies, 10(2), 09–20. Retrieved from

