do "Gradiva", by Jensen - archaeological metaphor psychoanal yfic fherapy.


  • Monica G. T. do Amaral UNESP - Araraquara


psychoanalyses, psychoterapy, scientific discourse, literature and psychoanalysis


The main interest of the folowing paper is the role of narrative literary in the unravelling of the psychoanalytic unconscious. In view of this elucidation, the present articIe aims at going through the processus of reconstruction of experience (Erfahrung) evident in both poetic procluction and psychoanalyticaI therapy, considering Freud's anaIysis's of Jensen's Gradlva and W. Benjamins's aesthetic reflections.


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Benjamin, W. Magia e Técnica, Arte e Polftlca. 28 ed. Obras Escolhidas. Trad. Sérgio Paulo Rouanet. São Paulo, Ed. Brasilien se,1986,v.1.

Freud, S. EI Delfrioy los Suenos en La "Gradiva"de W. Jensen (1906-1907). IN: Obras Completas. Madrid, Ed. Biblioteca Nueva, 1973, v. 11.

Freud, S. Tras Ensayos para una Teoria Sexual (1905). IN: Obras Completas. Madrid, Ed. Biblioteca Nueva, 1973,v. 11.

Gagnebin,J. -M.Prefácio.IN:Benjamin,W.Magia e Técnica, Arte e Politíca Trad. Sérgio Paulo Rouanet. São Paulo, Ed. Brasiliense, 1986,v. I.

Jensen, W. Gradiva -uma fantasia pompelana. Trad. Angela Melin. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Jorge Zahar, 1987.

Proust, M. Em Busca do Tempo Perdido. Rio de Janeiro, Ed Globo. 1987(7 vol.).



How to Cite

G. T. do Amaral, M. (1992). do "Gradiva", by Jensen - archaeological metaphor psychoanal yfic fherapy. Psychological Studies, 9(3), 107–115. Retrieved from