Interpersonal relations and the affective control of borderline patients studied by the testand retestprocedure of the Rorschach technique


  • Sonia Regina Loureiro USP-RP
  • Rita Aparecida Romaro USP-RP


Rorschach, Borderline, Interpersonal Relations, Affective Control, Test and Retest


The objective of the present investigation was to study by the caseestudy method the characteristic elements of affective control areas and interpersonal relations of 3 psychiatric patients diagnosed as Borderline. The method was based on analysis of clinical history data and the test-retest comparison of the Rorschach technique, which was re-applied approximately 5 years the first application. Comparison of the evolutionary profile of each case studied pointed to the presence of a similar pattern at the leveI of personalíty structuration, with different configurations at the leveI of affective manifestations, related to the adaptive conditions obtained from the clínical history, demonstrating rational fai/ure, an effort to contain affective expressivity, and as increase in immaturity.


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How to Cite

Regina Loureiro, S. ., & Romaro, R. A. . (1992). Interpersonal relations and the affective control of borderline patients studied by the testand retestprocedure of the Rorschach technique. Psychological Studies, 9(3), 41–52. Retrieved from