A cultural validation of assertiveness in brazilian chidren


  • Marilda Novaes Lipp PUCCAMP
  • Maria Fernanda Barreto PUCCAMP
  • Angela Naccarato PUCCAMP
  • Lucia E. Novaes PUCCAMP
  • Magali Novaes Centro de Controle do Stress - R. J.


Assertivity, Children, Behavior, Personality


To test the adequacy of conducting clinical work with children, using assertiveness training which is based on USA literature, fifty-five Brazilian couples answered a questionnaire on the assertiveness of their children. Parents indicated not only how they felt their children would behave in several situations involving assertiveness, but also how they would like their children to behave. Results indicated that the parents would like their children to behave in an assertive manner in 80% of the situations, but predicted that only in about 50 to 60% of the situations their children would actually be assertive. Results were interpreted as providing evidence of the adequacy of the use of assertive training in Brazilian children as long as cultural adaptations be made.



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How to Cite

Novaes Lipp, M. ., Barreto, M. F. ., Naccarato, A. ., E. Novaes, L. ., & Novaes, M. . (1992). A cultural validation of assertiveness in brazilian chidren. Psychological Studies, 9(3), 31–49. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/8058