Services knowed, used and necessary to Down's Syndrome persons; mother's opinions about the effects of and factors that didicult the use


  • Eucia Beatriz Lopes PETEAN UNESP
  • Sônia Santa Vitaliano GRAMINHA FFCLRP-USP




It was to obtained Information from 35 mothers of individuais with Down Syndrome living in the city of Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo in order to determine the followlng: a) services these mothers knew, utilized and consldered necessary for their children; b) the mothers opinions about the effectiveness of the services utilized and the causes responsible for the fact that their children might not use a given service. Analysis of the data concerning nine items on the form showed that approximately 24 % of the mothers claim they do not know about any type of care. The types of care they are most familiar with are physiotherapy (54%) which are also those most often utilized and publicized bythe major source of the information cited by the mothers, i.e., the University Hospital, FMRP-USP. These treatments were evaluated by the mothers as having a positive effect on the development of their children. Most mothers (62,5%) considered the importance of the existence of more free educational institutions in the community as being necessary to help individuais with Down Syndrome and their famílies.


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How to Cite

Lopes PETEAN, E. B. ., & Santa Vitaliano GRAMINHA, S. (1991). Services knowed, used and necessary to Down’s Syndrome persons; mother’s opinions about the effects of and factors that didicult the use. Psychological Studies, 8(2), 102–123. Retrieved from