
  • Maria Emília Uno da SILVA Professora de Pós-Graduação - PUCCAMP. Doutoura em Psicologia pela USP. Psicanalista.


Mentallife, taken as a movement, creates a field of actvity defining a region of conscience out of which mystery prevails. The dimensions and carachteristics of the region acessible to conscious knowledge determine the capacity of control. The tolerance towards the limits of such capacity allows people either to face the world or to elose themselves to such an extent that one can even assign to the world outside the fulfillment of one's necessities. The world's materialistic and determinist aspects, since they can be controlled, are more attractive to knowledge, whereas the psychological and social fields use to present a greater challenge. Facing such context, personality is presented a choice between two kinds of mental work, the intelligent cartesianism or the esthetic and creative work.


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How to Cite

Uno da SILVA, M. E. . (1990). A POSSIBILIDADE DE CRIAR. Psychological Studies, 7(2), 54–72. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7943