
  • Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos SANTOS Professora do Curso de Psicologia da F. C. H./U. S. F.


This present work has analysed and compared the effectiveness of two training procedures: Cloze's and the Additional Vocabulary, on the improvement of comprehension in reading of day in University students (N = 10) and evening (N = 10). The influence of procedure sequence has also been test-ed. Results did not dem[1]onstrate the superriority of either procedure, but they have made evident a qualitative improvement in reading comprehension for sundry groups. It is suggested the need of informal evaluation and training tools being incorporated to University teaching practices. Key Words - Academical Performance - Cloze's Technique - Remediation of Reading.


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How to Cite

Angeli dos SANTOS, A. A. . (1990). "COMPREENSÃO EM LEITURA NA UNIVERSIDADE: UM ESTUDO COMPARATIVO ENTRE DOIS PROCEDIMENTOS DE TREINO". Psychological Studies, 7(2), 39–53. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7939