ATITUDES EM RELAÇÃO À VELHICE: Uma Revisão de Literatura


  • Anita Liberalesso NERI Faculdade de Educação - Unicamp


This paper presents conclusions form an analysis about 40 years of research relative to attitudes toward aging/aged. It seems that it is an atheoretical research area. Its theoretical and methodological issues are permeated by socio-cultural and ideological-professional themes. There are many confusions of terms, many misconceptions about levels of analysis, more generalization that would be desireable, and absence of a central point of view that could organize data and procedures of analysis. Brazilian research and practice about that matter must consider these above elements and make an internal evaluation of pressupositions, language and ideology that would better guide their actions.


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How to Cite

Liberalesso NERI, A. . (1990). ATITUDES EM RELAÇÃO À VELHICE: Uma Revisão de Literatura. Psychological Studies, 7(1), 107–111. Retrieved from