
  • Eunice M. l. Soriano de ALENCAR Profª da Universidade de Brasília.
  • Denise de Souza FEITH
  • Alexandra Militão RODRIGUES Profª da Universidade de Brasília.


The study was designed to evaluate a Creativity Training Program, after five months of its completion, in a sample of 22 public-school teachers of third and fourth grade from a satellite city of the Federal District, Brazil. These teachers were interviewed in their schools, being requested to answer several questions about the Creativity Traingin Program and about changes perceived in their behavior due to the programo These teachers as well as other 24 teachers from the same schools were aIso tested on creativity by means of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, verbal and figural. Results indicated a positive evaluation of the program for most teachers. They stressed the contribution of the program to the development of their students. Differences were also observed in several measures of creativity in favor of the teachers who completed the Creativity Training Program.


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How to Cite

M. l. Soriano de ALENCAR, E. ., de Souza FEITH, D. ., & Militão RODRIGUES, A. . (1990). AVALIAÇÃO A MÉDIO PRAZO DE UM PROGRAMA DE TREINAMENTO DE CRIATIVIDADE PARA PROFESSORES DO ENSINO DO PRIMEIRO GRAU. Psychological Studies, 7(1), 79–97. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7932