
  • Vera Lúcia Adami Raposo do AMARAL Profª da Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica - PUCCAMP.
  • Margareth Kraft BARBOSA Mestranda - Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica - PUCCAMP


The present study aimed to investigate the depressive states in children whosuffered burn and who had burns sequelae in visible body areas and to compare with children, without burns sequelae. It was studied 36 children divided into four groups. The male burned group (6) and the female burned group (12) and the male not burned group (6) and the female not burned group (12). The groups were pared in terms of sex, age, socio-economic leveI and schoollevel. “The Self-Evaluation depression scale for children" (Amaral, 1989) was applied to the groups. The results pointed out that the groups of bumed children showed deep indexes of depression than the group of not burned children, althought this indexes are not statisticaly significants. The qualitative analysis showed that the subjects of the group of burned children evaluated themselves less positively in the itens number 1, 6, 9 and 23 showing that the fellings of irritation, preocupation with their heath, the fear and the guilty appear more frequently between the itens of the test. The authors discussed the need of more studies in that area, which could point out the individual mecanisms to cope withdepression. These finding could help the children who didn't cope with the depression. The authors conclude that there are children who can adapt well with big burns sequelae, including that ones in the visible body areas.


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How to Cite

Adami Raposo do AMARAL , V. L. ., & Kraft BARBOSA , M. . (1990). CRIANÇAS VÍTIMAS DE QUEIMADURAS: UM ESTUDO SOBRE A DEPRESSÃO. Psychological Studies, 7(1), 31–59. Retrieved from