Gerontology and Psychology have traditionally assumed that there is predominance of negative attitudes toward aging and aged people in societies and individuaIs. However there is not suffjcient research evidence supporting this assumption. This paper is the first in a set of three, analysing a research sample from 1945 to 1987. The studies were cathegorized in two rubrics: transcultural studies (text 1) and research focusing individual (psychological and sociological) variables (text 2). The third text analyses the main tendencies in this litterature area. The text that follows focuses research about status of the elderly in "primitive" and historical societies; in modernizated or modernizing societies and the aged image reflectd by symbolic media (as TV, child and adult litterature, poetry, advertisements and cartoons). It concludes that is impossible to stablish consistent comparisons betweens eultures or their sub-groups, and that research data have not showed universal prejudiee against the elderly. It seems relevant that Psyehogerontology may build an internal eritie of their basie concepts, research procedures and professional practices.
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