Evaluation of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-Brazil by Early Childhood professionals


  • Ana Carolina Monnerat FIORAVANTI-BASTOS Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Psicologia, Laboratório de Psicometria.
  • Alberto FILGUEIRAS Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Psicologia, Laboratório de Análise de Dados
  • Maria Lucia Seidl de MOURA Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Psicologia, Laboratório de Pesquisa em Interação Social e Desenvolvimento.


Assessment, Child care centers, Child development, Psychometrics


Child development assessment is important for the development of action plans for early childhood problem prevention. There are few instruments that are systematically used in day care centers. The Ages and Stages Questionnaire-Brazil which consists of 18 questionnaires, was adapted and used in the public day care system of Rio de Janeiro. However, studies on the user’s evaluation of this screening tool have not yet been conducted. A total of 28 childhood educators who work in 6 different day care centers participated in this study. They completed two different versions of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-Brazil: a version to Assess Beliefs of Educators about children Development and another one about the Characteristics of this screening tool. The internal consistency for 504 questionnaires was calculated and compared to the original sample. Analysis of Variance was performed to identify differences between the importance given by educators to the five developmental domains assessed in the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: gross motor, fine motor, communication, problem solving, and personal-social. Results indicated good internal consistency and the need for changes in the questionnaire to ensure clarity and adequacy to day care centers.



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How to Cite

FIORAVANTI-BASTOS, . A. C. M., FILGUEIRAS, A. ., & MOURA, M. L. S. de. (2023). Evaluation of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-Brazil by Early Childhood professionals. Psychological Studies, 33(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7879

