The abjective of this study was to research a passible relation between the self-concept and the sexuality of the physically handicapped. The sampling consisted af 10 subjects with orthapedic congenital defects or arquired up to the age of one year, of bath sexes and belonging to an etarian age group of between 20 and 40 years. The subjects graded 32 pairs of adjectives, which would best express their views concerning how people, in general, see them and how they see themselves. Next, the subjects answered a questianaire of multipIe chaices, an sexuality and physical deficiency. The results suggested that there is no disharmany in the self-concept of the subjects and that their opinians do not appear to indicate any prablem in their facing of sexuality in terms of sexual activity, family influences an sexuality, marriage, information about sex and perception af the behavior of the non handicapped in relation to the sexuality of the physically deficient.
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