
  • Vera Lucia Adami Raposo do Amaral Professora do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica da PUCC - Chefe do Setor de Psicologia da SOBRAPAR
  • Anna Lucia Corrêa Ribeiro Debastiani Psicóloga Pesquisadora da SOBRAPAR


The objective of this study was to product and to analyse a Fear Survey Schedule for burned children. This Schedule was made by a pre-investigation of the International Fear Scales and clinic interviews with the burned children. The Schedule was applied in test and re-test in an experimental group formed by 25 boys and 25 girls with burn sequelae, between 6 and 12 years, and in a Control group, subdivided in the same way and with the similar characteristics of the Experimental group, everybody without burn sequelae. The intra and inter-group analysis, correlation between test and re-test, variability analysis of the items was made to establish the precision and the valIdity of the Schedule.


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How to Cite

Adami Raposo do Amaral, V. L., & Corrêa Ribeiro Debastiani, A. L. . (1988). PRODUÇÃO E ANÁLISE DE UMA ESCALA PARA AVALIAÇÃO DE MEDOS EM CRIANÇAS VÍTIMAS DE QUEIMADURAS. Psychological Studies, 5(1), 126–158. Retrieved from