
  • Marília Martins Vizzotto Departamento de Pós-Graduação - PUCCAMP


The objective of this study is to point out the variables related to the family relationship, at the beginning of drug or alcohol addiction, and to the existence of alcoholism and drug addiction in the family, either in the parents and/or among brothers and sisters. First the study presente the different positions in relation to the influence of the family in the etiology of drug addiction, of alchoholism or the combination of both. Second, the answers given by 47 patients from two Rehabilitation's Centers are analysed. Of these patientes, 37 were getting over drug addiction, 8 from alcohol addiction, and 2 were addicted both to drug and to alcohol, but specially depending on drugs. The resulte reveal that 57,4% of the sujects had drug and/or alcohol addicted parents and/or brothers or sisters. 78,7% of the patients had lived with the family until they were 18 years old, having become addicted during that period of living with their family.


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How to Cite

Martins Vizzotto , M. (1987). ALGUMAS VARIÁVEIS DO GRUPO FAMILIAR E A ETIOLOGIA DA FARMACODEPENDÊNCIA E DO ALCOOLÍSMO. Psychological Studies, 4(1), 81–93. Retrieved from