
  • José Tolentino Rosa Instituto Metodista de Ensino Superior (IMS) de São Bernardo do Campo / Depto. de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica da PUCCAMP


This paper presents a case study providing evidence and understanding about the discriminative leaming hypothesis on the ejaculatory incompetence syndrome. The psychotherapeutic process of this sexual dysfunction is discussed, at its different phases. The treatment procedure was elaborated in order to diversify stimulus control over the ejaculatory response. The results were comparable to other clinical papers on this matter.


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How to Cite

Tolentino Rosa, J. . (1984). INCOMPETÊNCIA EJACULATÓRIA E IMPOTÊNCIA SOB O ENFOQUE DA APRENDIZAGEM DE DISCRIMINAÇÃO. Psychological Studies, 1(3/4), 101–108. Retrieved from

