Supporting health-related parenting: A scoping review of programs assisted by the Internet and related technologies


  • Luísa BARROS Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, Centro de Investigação em Ciências Psicológicas.
  • Klara GREFFIN Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, Centro de Investigação em Ciências Psicológicas.


Health, Information technology, Parenting, Programs, Review


 eHealth interventions have been proposed as a possible solution to overcome major obstacles associated with low adherence rates, low accessibility, and high costs of parenting programs. Due to the number and variety of interventions found in the literature, this study aimed to conduct a scoping review of parenting interventions directed at supporting parents in promoting their child’s health and carrying out disease-related tasks. The scoping review identified 119 technology-based programs directed both at universal, preventive objectives and at the management and adaptation to chronic or severe acute health conditions. Several different web-based applications have been creatively used in health-related parenting interventions. Most programs use evidence-based psychological methodologies to promote parental self-management, build specific parenting skills, and provide customized feedback and social support. Further studies are needed to assess the contribution of the Internet and mobile applications to enhance the effectiveness of health-related parenting interventions and the dissemination of empirically validated programs.


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How to Cite

BARROS, L., & GREFFIN, K. (2023). Supporting health-related parenting: A scoping review of programs assisted by the Internet and related technologies. Psychological Studies, 34(3). Retrieved from

