Society limits the externalization of sexuality during adolescence, hindering this developmental period of life. Mourning for a lost bisexuality is one of the processes characteristics of adolescence. Development towards heterosexuality starts very early, during the so called Previaus Genital Phase, and from there on Adolescent genitality first and later on adult genitality will be modelled according to the way the Previaus Genital Phase will be worked thraugh. Early Oedipical aspects and the peculjar way of working them through, are determinants in the characterizanon. of the adolescent's oedipic situation, or its different characteristics in boys and in girls. Homosexuality and masturbation are normal processes of sexuality during adolescence. Those aspects are transient and preparatory for an adult sexuality. Manic components of both practices and their respective phantasies do contribute to reaching an adult identity, which implies in the exercise af a responsable adult genitality, and tending towards procreating aims, whenever social environment will facilitate this cruciallife objective.
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