Adaptive Efficacy Scale: Validity evidence based on internal structure and interpretative norms


  • Evandro Morais PEIXOTO Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia como Ciência e Profissão.
  • Elisa Medici Pizão YOSHIDA Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia como Ciência e Profissão.


Adaptation, Psychological assessment, Adaptative operational diagnostic scale, Psychodiagnosis, Psychology, clinical



The accumulation of evidence of validity and reliability provides support to users of psychological assessment instruments. This study aimed to estimate new evidence of internal structure validity of the Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada de Autorrelato (Self-Report Adaptive Operational Diagnostic Scale), evaluate the item parameters and participants’ characteristics, and establish interpretative norms for the scale. The sample was composed of 404 undergraduate students of both genders (62% female). Confirmatory factor analysis corroborated the theoretical perspective that the Affective-Relational and Productivity subscales measure complementary facets of adaptive efficacy. The Rasch-Masters Partial Credit Model, an Item Response Theory model, was used to determine the item parameters and characteristics of the participants: item difficulty/theta and adjustment indices. Interpretative standards and cutoff points for the scale were established using item-person maps. The Self-Report Adaptive Operational Diagnostic Scale can be useful to evaluate the adaptive efficacy when interviews cannot be conducted.


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How to Cite

PEIXOTO, E. M., & YOSHIDA, E. M. P. (2023). Adaptive Efficacy Scale: Validity evidence based on internal structure and interpretative norms. Psychological Studies, 34(2). Retrieved from

