The choice of the subject matter for this work was prompted by two factors: (1) the need to better understand Human Sexual Behavior and lhe Treatment of Sexual Disorders, and (2) the scarcity of Bra[1]zilian studies in this area. It inuolves the study of Sexual Dysfunction, their incidence and treatment, which consists of a Survey about Sexual Dysfunctions made through therapits who work in sereval cUies of São Paulo. The survey was conducted by sending 205 questionnaires to psychologists. Twenty-four percent of them were returned, for a total of 50. Data for Part I was based on 30 of 50 questionnaires since the other 20 did not contain the information about sex therapy needed. lt was found that, (1) in a period of two years, 467 clients were treated for sexual problems, either by individual or couple therapy; (2) 49% of the therapits had made use of cognitive-behavior therapy; 42% used an anaJytical approach and 9% used other types of therapy; (3) in only 16% of the cases sexual problem were the only complaint, while in 84% of them problems in other areas were also treated; (4) the most common problems treated were premature ejaculation and secondary impotence for the men, and secondary orgasmic dysfúnction and vaginism for the women; (5) the majority of the patients were women between the ages of 30 and 40 years; (6) couples therapy had the greatest success rate, 77%, with i1tdividual therapy having a success rate of 63%; (7) the maiority of the clients showed a marked lack of knowledge about sexo This last jinding suggests that the lack of information about sex, fogether with other factors, is the basis for many of the sexual dyisfunction seen.
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