
  • Antônios I. Térzis Instituto de Psicologia da USP / Departamento de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica - PUCCAMP


ln arder to examine the proposal, 404 schizophrenic patiems (201 males and 203 females) from five Psychiatric hospitaIs is the Greater São Paulo were observed. The parents of these patients were relatively young on the occasion of the patients birth. The average chronological ages were 28.4 and 32.4 years for the mother and father, respectivelly. Regarding the family disruption in about 55 per cent of the cases this factor was present. As to the age of the patients at the breakup, the majority of the subjects studied ranged from O to 3 years of age.


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How to Cite

I. Térzis, A. . (1984). MOTIVOS DETERMINANTES DE DESAGREGAÇÃO FAMILIAR E ESQUIZOFRENIA. Psychological Studies, 1(2), 85–103. Retrieved from