Coping with fetal death by nursery professionals on the dispositional approach and Motivacional Theory of Coping
Coping, Self-regulation, NurseryAbstract
Coping has been understood as a self-regulatory action adjustment to the imbalance caused by the stressor, Always with adaptive function, even if the coping strategy is not solving. Two approaches have this definition in common - Dispositional Approach and the Motivational Theory of Coping. In order to assess the coping of the fetal death, 3 nursing professionals from two public hospitals answered individually COPE Inventory, with 60 items and the “Motivational Coping” Guide Interview, with 12 categories of coping. These professionals coping with fetal death through adaptive ways of coping, such as Negotiation, Information Seeking, Self-reliance and Support Seeking (Interview), and by the Religiosity, Positive Reinterpretation and Planning (COPE). It is necessary discuss the possibility of studying the coping based on various approaches to broaden the understanding of the coping process in adverse conditions such as fetal death.
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