
  • Antônio I. Térziz Departamento de Pós Graduação em Psicologia Clínica ~ PUCCAMP


The statistical method here employed, which permitted the analysis of the effects of birth order on the prevalence of Schizofrenia, was that of Greenwood- Yule. It was found that there is an association between birth order and schizophrenia, and that this relation way be describedin terms of an excess of schizophrenia among first-borns, both male and Female. A consistent relation ship between birth order and schizophrenia was found when the sibship size was taken into account. An analysis of the data from lare and small families, computed separately, in the present paper provides an accumulation of evidence that thebirth-order distribution of schizophremics varies with the family size. The patients, both male and female, were more subject to the disorder when they were first born in a small progemy, and when they were last-born in a large progeny. In order to explain the results in relation to the first
born, o theoretical psychodynamic model of mental function was proposed. Through it, in view of the various statistical finfings avaliable about birth order, schizophrenia and personality traits were integrated in a continuum that ranged from the cases closest
to normality to the most serious cases the psychotherapist fases. The results related to the last-born were analysed taking into account family and socio-cultural variables.


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How to Cite

I. Térziz, A. (1983). ORDEM DE NASCIMENTO, TAMANHO DA PROLE E ESQUIZOFRENIA . Psychological Studies, 1(1), 82–109. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7596