Interpelaciones identitarias en el trabajo: Propuesta para la comprensión de los procesos de construcción de la identidad laboral
Identity, Interpellation, Narrative, Work, SubjectivityAbstract
This study proposes a model for analyzing the relationship between the narrative construction of work identity and the dynamics of identity interpellation in the world of work. Three levels of interpellation are identified - discursive, structural, and local interactions -, which can diverge or converge with one another or in relation to the identity for itself (inherited or desired) of the subject. Focusing on the dynamics of identity interpellation at work allows the possibility to contextualize and give meaning to the reflective and interpretative exercise of the narrative construction of identity in the workplace. The model is illustrated by using two qualitative case studies conducted in Chile, one with workers participating in public action programs implemented by the State and the other with workers employed by large retail companies. The model is theoretically and methodologically applicable in new fields and can expand our understanding on the relationship between work and subjectivity in the contemporary world.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Álvaro SOTO, Antonio STECHER, Alan VALENZUELA
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