Transformational leadership and team effectiveness: The mediator role of supportive behaviors



Efficacy, Patient care teams, Leadership


The aim of the present study was to analyse the mediator role of supportive behaviours in the relationship between transformational leadership and four team effectiveness criteria: performance, viability, quality of group experience, and improvement processes. An empirical study was conducted with a sample of 653 participants from 117 teams from different professional practice sectors (e.g., industry, civil protection, and consultancy), in which these relationships were tested. The results showed a positive direct effect of transformational leadership on supportive behaviours and on team effectiveness (including performance, viability, quality of the group experience, and improvement process). Furthermore, the present study also identified the mediator effect of supportive behaviours on the relationship between transformational leadership and the four team effectiveness criteria considered. Implications for research and professional practice were discussed, and suggestions for further studies were offered


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How to Cite

PESSOA, C. I. P., DIMAS, I. D., LOURENÇO, P. R., & REBELO, T. (2023). Transformational leadership and team effectiveness: The mediator role of supportive behaviors. Psychological Studies (Campinas), 35(1). Retrieved from

