The maternal interactive style in shared reading: Building a categorical evaluation system



Parent-child relations, Mother-child relations, Reading


The way of the mother’s interaction with her child is called maternal interactive style. It has been studied in the contexto of shared reading. This study aimed to formulate a system of evaluation of the interactive style in shared reading through behavior categories. Categories were constructed from previous studies, and then empirically tested. Fifty-two dyads participated. The average age of the mothers was 35.70 (±6.13) years; the children’s ages varied from 22 to 76 months (Mean = 48.59; Standard Deviation = 17.88). The dyads were fi lmed in a shared reading interaction. The videos were then analyzed. Agreement analyses (intraclass correlation coeffi cient) were made between observers in order to test the categories. Most of the categories presented good or excellent agreement, indicating that they were well constructed and properly described. We believe that the system may be useful in future studies investigating the relationship of thematernal interactive style in shared reading with other variables involved.


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How to Cite

KROEFF, C. da R., SILVEIRA, N. P., KAFER, A. P., & BANDEIRA, D. R. (2023). The maternal interactive style in shared reading: Building a categorical evaluation system. Psychological Studies, 36. Retrieved from

