Benevolence Toward Schizophrenia Scale: Construction and evidence of validation



Benevolence, Scale, Schizophrenia



 The aim of this study was to construct and seek evidence for the validity of the Escala de Benevolência frente à Esquizofrenia (Benevolence Toward Schizophrenia Scale). Two studies were conducted in Joao Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. Study 1 describes the development and evidence of the factor validity of the Benevolence Toward Schizophrenia Scale with a sample composed of 200 university students aged 16 to 51 years old (M = 25.31; SD = 7.21). The data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis, which revealed one single seven-item factor that explained 37.74% of the variance and a satisfactory Cronbach’s alpha (0.77). The aim of Study 2 was to test the goodness-of-fit of the Benevolence Toward Schizophrenia Scale factor structure with a sample composed of 200 university students aged 16 to 52 years old (M = 24.82; SD = 6.97). The one-factor structure exhibited adequate goodness-of-fit; the composite reliability value was 0.83, which indicates scale stability and satisfactory psychometric parameters for assessing benevolent prejudice toward schizophrenia.


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How to Cite

MELO, J. R. F. de, MACIEL, S. C., OLIVEIRA, M. X. de, CAMINO, L. F., & CARVALHO, T. A. (2023). Benevolence Toward Schizophrenia Scale: Construction and evidence of validation. Psychological Studies, 36. Retrieved from

