Initial validity evidence of the Virtuous Leadership Scale



Ethics, Leadership, Positive psychology, Virtues


The aim of the study was to collect initial validity evidence of the Virtuous Leadership Scale in the Brazilian context. A total of 417 workers of both sexes (63% male) from the State of Rio de Janeiro participated in the study. The ages ranged from 18 to 72 years (M = 35.6, SD = 10.43). Confi rmatory factor analysis showed that the Brazilian version of the scale presented internal structure validity and it was composed of fi ve fi rst-order factors (courage, prudence, temperance, humanity and justice). The 18 items replicate the original structure of the instrument. All subscales showed positive correlations with authentic leadership, job satisfaction and positive effects, and negative correlations with negative effects. It was concluded that the Virtuous Leadership Scale presented good psychometric qualities in the Brazilian sample.


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How to Cite

GUIMARÃES, M., FERREIRA, M. C., & PEREIRA, M. (2023). Initial validity evidence of the Virtuous Leadership Scale. Psychological Studies, 36. Retrieved from

