Parental styles and coparenting in families with children with autism: cluster analysis of children’s behavior
Transtorno do espectro autista, Comportamento infantil, Relações familiares, Poder familiarAbstract
Research on atypical developing parenting usually investigates only the mother. This happens even if the investigation outcome points to the influence of the parenting style and the child’s relationship with the father on his/her perception of well-being. This investigation aimed to understand the relationships between the behavior of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, parenting styles and coparenting of 45 biparental families with children aged, on mean, 59 months, according to defined profiles based on children’s behavioral differences. Data was reviewed by hierarchical clustering. Among the four profiles found, those characterized by behavioral difficulties showed more authoritarian/permissive parenting styles and negative impacts on coparenting; profiles with greater prosociability had a more authoritative parenting style and better coparenting quality. The behavioral assessment of children should drive the formulation of interventions/public policies to promote positive parenting in this population
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Copyright (c) 2023 João Rodrigo Maciel PORTES, Mauro Luís VIEIRA, Carolina Duarte de SOUZA, Erikson KASZUBOWSKI
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