Elderly individuals in multigenerational households: Family composition, satisfaction with life and social involvement



Depression, Elderly, Housing, Social participation, Social support


The purpose of this study was to investigate the link between multi-generational household arrangements (uni-, bi- or tri-generational) and sociodemographic variables, functional performance, mood, social support and life satisfaction in cognitively healthy elderly individuals. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study. A total of 107 elderly individuals from the Federal District were evaluated using the Geriatric Depression Scale, the Mini Exame do Estado Mental (Mini-Mental State Examination), the Scales of Basic, Instrumental and Advanced Activities of Daily Living, the Perceived Social Support, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Bivariate statistical analysis indicated that tri-generational arrangements were associated with being female, being a widowed individual and having more children; and uni- or bi-generational arrangements were associated with a greater life satisfaction in comparison to people of the same age, a bigger participation in cultural activities and driving an automobile. These fi ndings indicate that, for elderly individuals, living arrangements are associated with family composition, life satisfaction and social engagement.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M. C. G. M. de, SALMAZO-SILVA, H., GOMES, L., MORAES, C. F., & ALVES, V. P. (2023). Elderly individuals in multigenerational households: Family composition, satisfaction with life and social involvement. Psychological Studies, 37. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7362

