COVID-19 and mental health: the emergence of care



Epidemics, Crisis intervention, Pandemics, Disease outbreak


Considering the current global situation, marked by important public health crises and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, this article aims to gather information and research findings on the impact of such crises on mental health. The text presents the main concepts related to the new coronavirus and analyzes the consequences of the measures adopted to deal with scenarios such as the current problem, which involve social distance, quarantine, and isolation, within three distinct moments: pre-crisis, intra-crisis, and post-crisis. The paper focuses on the repercussions observed on the population’s mental health and discusses favorable and unfavorable outcomes within the crisis process. To conclude, it presents questions related to the emergence of mental health care provided by Psychology and other health professionals in order to reduce negative impacts of this crisis and act in a preventive function.


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How to Cite

FARO, A., BAHIANO, M. de A., NAKANO, T. de C., REIS, C., SILVA, B. F. P. da, & VITTI, L. S. (2023). COVID-19 and mental health: the emergence of care. Psychological Studies, 37. Retrieved from

