Representations and social anchorages of the new coronavirus and the COVID-19 treatment by Brazilians



Coronavirus, Treatment, Social psychology, Health psycholog


This study aimed to apprehend the genesis of the Social Representations of the new coronavirus, as well as of the treatment of the COVID-19, considering Brazilian people’s different social anchorages. For that purpose, an online questionnaire was answered by 595 participants, predominantly female (69.9%) and from the Northeastern region of Brazil (64.9%). The data collected allowed analyzes of Descending Hierarchical Classifications, indicating that the new coronavirus Social Representations genesis is marked by concerns regarding its dissemination and its psychosocial and affective implications. On the other hand, the representational field of the treatment emphasizes the remission or alleviation of symptoms caused by COVID-19. Given the differences between social groups, the Social Representations variations identified in this research indicate that future interventions should consider each group’s specificities in the dissemination of representations and social practices aiming at containing the pandemic state.


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How to Cite

DO BÚ, E. A., ALEXANDRE, M. E. S. de, BEZERRA, V. A. dos S., SÁ-SERAFIM, R. C. da N., & COUTINHO, M. da P. de L. (2023). Representations and social anchorages of the new coronavirus and the COVID-19 treatment by Brazilians. Psychological Studies, 37. Retrieved from

