Social Skill Inventory-2 Del-Prette: expanding and updating psychometric properties



Assertiveness, Interpersonal relations, Item response theory, Psychometrics, Sociability


 The aim of this research was to update the psychometric properties of the Del-Prette Social Skills Inventory-2, a measure of social performance in social interaction situations. The sample consisted of 4,250 participants of both sexes aged between 18 and 59 years old (M = 35.85; df = 11.33; 51.1% woman). Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling suggested the adequacy of the internal structure of the original version of the instrument, consisting of five factors: Assertive Conversation, Affective-Sexual Approach, Expression of positive sentiment, Self-Control/Coping, and Social Resourcefulness, all of them with good reliability indicators, alphas higher than 0.774, and measurement invariance indicators across groups as a function of sex and different age ranges. The Partial Credit Model provided the item’s and participant’s parameters: difficulty level/theta and adjustment indices, which were adequate. The results suggest that the inventory is a suitable measure of social skills for professional and research purposes.


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How to Cite

DEL PRETTE, Z. A. P., DEL PRETTE, A., & PEIXOTO, E. M. (2023). Social Skill Inventory-2 Del-Prette: expanding and updating psychometric properties. Psychological Studies, 38. Retrieved from

