Low back pain: biopsychosocial aspects of chronic and acute pain
Catastrophizing, Chronic pain, Depression, Low back pain, PersonalityAbstract
Chronic low back pain is a highly prevalent pathology, which has unclear associations with psychosocial aspects. This study investigated differences between patients with chronic low back pain (n = 25) and acute low back pain (n = 20) and verified the effect of the variables assessed on the pain mean. The design was cross-sectional, and the instruments applied were: sociodemographic interviews, Brief Pain Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory II, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Personality Factor Battery, Social Support Scale and Pain Catastrophizing Scale. The chronic pain group had significantly higher means of pain intensity, anxiety and catastrophic thoughts. In the regression analysis, the fator Depression of the Personality Factor Battery and belonging to the chronic pain group were found as predictors of the mean pain in the sample studied. It is understood that psychological factors are associated with the pain condition and require further investigation
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