Personal and familiar factors associated to behavioral problems in children


  • María Clara RODRÍGUEZ Universidad de La Sabana


Behavioral problems, Educational psychology, Family relationships


This study identified personal and family factors associated with behavioral problems in children. The study group consisted of 254 students between 7 and 11 years, their parents and teachers. After obtaining informed consent from all participants, the following tests were carried out: Kamphaus and Reynold’s multidimensional scale of behavior standardized in Medellin’s questionnaire of personal and familiary-related factors.The chi-square test shows that inconsistencies in patterns of parenting, that is, not living with the nuclear family, being a woman and
the age between 8 and 9 years, were associated with a significantly higher frequency of aspects associated with externalizing problems, such as hyperactivity and behavioral issues . Likewise, being female and between 8 and 9 years of age were associated with the aspect of “excessive control behavior” such as anxiety and depression, academic problems and also somatization, which was recognized by teachers as being more frequent in boys. Those results could be useful in formulating preventative measures.


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How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ, M. C. . (2010). Personal and familiar factors associated to behavioral problems in children. Psychological Studies (Campinas), 27(4). Retrieved from