Hypnosis and subjectivity: the use of religious experiences in psychotherapy


  • Maurício da Silva NEUBERN Universidade de Brasília


Religious experience, Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, Subjectivity


This article highlights the possible effects of psychotherapy on clients who live under a regime which involves religious demands. It is based on a brief case study of a client and has two objectives. Firstly, to demonstrate that it is possible for psychotherapists to understand the inviolate experiences of their clients without breaking them down into previously established theories. Secondly, it emphasizes the use of
hypnotic techniques as relevant and important tools for demands of this nature, that is, they are techniques that can incorporate religious experiences of the subjects into the process of therapy in a positive way. The article concludes that psychotherapists faced with such demands must examine the individual feelings generated by their client, the context of their dialogues and capabilityies, and the postural mimicry they
adopt when interacting in their religious dominion.


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How to Cite

NEUBERN, M. da S. . (2010). Hypnosis and subjectivity: the use of religious experiences in psychotherapy. Psychological Studies, 27(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/7144