Therapeutic effectiveness of a psychoeducational group intervention: an exploratory study in oncology


  • Juciléia Rezende SOUZA Hospital Universitário de Brasília/Instituto Brasiliense de Análise do Comportamento
  • Tereza Cristina Cavalcanti Ferreira de ARAÚJO Universidade de Brasília


Coping, Distress, Oncology, Educational Psychology, Quality of Life


The following study evaluated the effectiveness of a psychoeducational group intervention designed to promote adaptive coping abilities, minimize distress and improve quality of life in oncology patients during the initial phase of chemotherapy. Three women made up the intervention group, organized into six weekly meetings and they were evaluated before, immediately following and three months after the intervention. The Ways of Coping Scale; WHOQOL-BREF and the Psychological Screening Tool for Cancer Patients were used as evaluation instruments. Another patient, who did not attend the group, had her results compared to the others. Immediately after the intervention, a
significant improvement was observed in the group members: increase in problem-focused coping strategies, search for social support and quality of life, as well as a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression. The patient who did not participate in the intervention group obtained less favorable results. In the reevaluations, these results were maintained, indicating that the psychoeducational group intervention achieved its therapeutic goals.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, J. R. ., & ARAÚJO, T. C. C. F. de . (2010). Therapeutic effectiveness of a psychoeducational group intervention: an exploratory study in oncology. Psychological Studies, 27(2). Retrieved from