Scale of attitudes towards tattoos: production and proof of validity and accuracy
Test accuracy, Tattoos, ValidityAbstract
The authors built and checked for evidence of the factorial validity and reliability of a scale for measuring attitudes towards tattoos. The Attitudes Towards Tattoos Scale was tested in two studies. In Study 1, participants comprised 273 undergraduate students, equally distributed with respect to gender, with an average age of 25. They answered the Attitudes Towards Tattoos Scale and demographic questions. It was found that the items showed adequate discriminative power, and the expected unifactorial structure was identified, with Cronbach’s Alpha
(α) of 0.96. 245 undergraduate students participated In Study 2, most of them male (55%), with an average age of 21. They answered the Attitudes Towards Tattoos Scale and demographic questions. Based on confirmatory factor analysis, the unifactorial structure found in the previous study was corroborated, and an α of 0.93 was observed. These findings suggest the Attitudes Towards Tattoos Scale presents evidence of factorial validity and reliability, and may be used among undergraduate students to measure attitudes towards tattoos.
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