Factors that influence the development of creative potential
Ability, Creativity, Psychosocial developmentAbstract
The article is a theoretical study that aims to provide an overview of the main influential factors in the development of creative potential in human beings (family, school, work environment, the socio-cultural context and health, according to systemic theories
concerning creativity. Family experiences are essential for the formation of an individual, his values, beliefs, critical sense and creativity. People spend much of their lives in school, making it the perfect place for the development of creative potential through creative
teachers who, when working with creativity, can make their lessons pleasant and stimulating. Organizations, in turn, require creative individuals, even as a matter of survival in the market. Creativity is also influenced by culture, depending on the situation, the people
and its constituents. Health is seen as a process of the whole operation of the entire being, that enhances and optimizes his resources, including creativity.
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