Phenomenological psychology and Buber’s philosophy: the encounter at the clinical practice
Phenomenology research, Clinical psychology, PsychotherapyAbstract
The present article introduces a number of considerations in the area of phenomenological orientation in clinical psychology. Going more
deeply into the concept of man proposed by this perspective, a type of clinic is founded revolving around the person as a singular individual articulating the biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions, who is ontologically moved towards the
understanding of himself and the world. Martin Buber’s philosophy complements the phenomenological proposal, emphasizing the potentiality of the human relation seen in its concreteness and movement. The concepts of the I-Thou relation, I-It relation and
Encounter are analyzed in terms of their implications for the clinical practice, proposing reflections about the function of the psychologist in the interaction with the patient. We intend, with this discussion, to delineate a psychological treatment based on the care of the individual in his totality, facilitating his incessant movement towards fitting in and transforming himself through genuine Encounters with another individual.
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