Anger control: the effectiveness of cognitive anger control training in coronary artery disease


  • Marilda Emmanuel Novaes LIPP PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Micheli Gomes dos SANTOS PUC-CAMPINAS


Coronary artery disease, Anger, Stress


The objectives of this study were twofold: to test the effectiveness of Cognitive Anger Control Training in the reduction of cardiovascular reactivity during periods of stress in individuals with coronary artery disease, and to investigate the link between levels of anger and the extent of cardiovascular reactivity at times of stress. Twenty-nine adults suffering from coronary artery disease took part in the study. Cardiovascular reactivity was measured both before and after group treatment for anger, in role-play sessions representing situations of interpersonal stress. The findings show that the treatment significantly reduced the indices of internal anger, state anger, trait anger, the expression, reaction and control of anger and level of stress. It was also found that systolic blood pressure reactivity had a significant correlation with the indices of temperamental anger and that a significant reduction was seen in systolic blood pressure reactivity in the third evaluation, conducted six months after treatment.


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How to Cite

LIPP, M. E. N. ., PINHO, C. ., CASTELL, A. C. ., SANTOS, M. G. dos ., & FUJITA, A. T. . (2009). Anger control: the effectiveness of cognitive anger control training in coronary artery disease. Psychological Studies, 26(4). Retrieved from