Stimulating the debate on racial democracy in the fight against quotas for afro-descendants


  • Pedro de OLIVEIRA FILHO Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


Racism, Race relations, Social psychology


This paper addresses the debate on racial democracy in respect of the arguments used by Whites to combat the proposal to introduce racial quotas in Brazil. It focuses on the ideological functions of this debate. We interviewed Whites (n=60) from Campinas, São Paulo. The paper shows the themes and arguments taken from our national discussion about race, the defense of miscegenation, criticism of racial division, amongst other topics, which are mobilized against the fight for compensating policies. This debate rejects an affirmative action policy and conceals our racism. 


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA FILHO, P. de . (2009). Stimulating the debate on racial democracy in the fight against quotas for afro-descendants. Psychological Studies, 26(4). Retrieved from